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Laurence Boissy

Project Manager

Laurence is an ambitious and dynamic young professional who has a constant desire to learn new things. She holds a bachelor’s degree in management and marketing as well as a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). She began her career in the health sector within the supply and operations department of CCSMTL. Subsequently, she quickly moved into project management in order to contribute to the project to redesign and implement a new unified information system in the 35 establishments in the health and social services sector.

Laurence’s career within the CCSMTL SIFARH team has allowed her to acquire a wide range of knowledge on the development of project management tools, system configuration and management, change management, reporting. account at the MSSS and more.

After more than five years within the health network, she decided to broaden her horizons and lend a hand as an advisor to the FMSQ in order to promote quality care and services for the population and thus support the specialist doctors in Quebec.

Laurence decided to return to her first love, project management, which is why she joined the PSN team in April 2024 as a project manager. She fully intends to greatly contribute to the digital transformation of our health system.

Outside of her work, Laurence is passionate about fashion but especially travel. She loves getting lost there in order to discover new cultures and satisfy her epicurean side. A fan of hiking, she takes the opportunity to recharge her batteries in nature.

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